The SENTRY team are very excited to announce our client ambassadors based in the United Kingdom, Canada and the United States. Client ambassadors play a central role for SENTRY in being a key contact and resource for our new and existing customers. These individuals have an existing network of contacts with management and operations team members at water / wastewater treatment plants globally. These individuals are availble to answer key client questions and coordinate key initial steps in learing about the SENTRY monitoring platform. If you would like to better understand the SENTRY: Real-time microbial activity monitoring platform then feel free to contact any of our client ambassadors to request information or a warm introduction to the SENTRY team.

Tom is a technology and innovation consultant specialising introducing new technologies into the water, wastewater and micro-generation sectors.
Tom is an experienced Marketing Director with a demonstrated history of working in the utilities industry. He has particular experience of pushing new technologies into the utilities sector all across Europe, the Middle East and China. Recent progress with SENTRY has resulted in projects with United Utilities (U.K.) and with a number of municipal WWTPs in the U.S.

Jon is a globally recognized water professional in the water sector who enjoys researching and solving problems. He has a diverse international research background with particular interest in how economics, politics, and behaviors affect all aspects of water.
Specialties: Conflict negotiation and mediation, water governance, international political economy, international water law, climate change adaptation, IWRM, water service and regulation, economic diplomacy, water economics, financial analysis, excel modeling, environmental governance, micro-economic forecasting, coaching, GrowthWheel(R).

Peter is a North America water industry subject matter expert. His experience, knowledge, and network spans the entire spectrum of the water business, from heavy industrial wastewater treatment start-ups to large municipal water concessions.
He is a recognized industry expert with recent contributions in national print, radio, and TV media. Peter is a thought leader when it comes to trends in drought, long-term water infrastructure asset management, and other forces that drive the North American water market

Greg is a recognized industry expert in the Bio-Innovation economey. His paricular expertise is focused on the identification and commercialization of new technologies. This path for innovation if focused on bringing new solutions to the bio-resourse industries with a particular focus on the pulp and paper industries.
Greg is the Principal Partner at BioApplied Innovation Pathways with the focus on promoting advanced technologies derived from renewable resources. He supports clients who are developing new products, new industrial partnerships, and building new businesses through innovation.