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SENTRY selected as winner of Waters Next award

The SENTRY team are very proud to announce we have been selected as winners of the Waters Next Award for 2020.

SENTRY was selected in the category of "Projects and Technology: Wastewater"

Water Canada magazine’s Water’s Next Award program is the only national Canadian awards program to honor leadership across the entire water sector—including public servants, non-governmental groups, researchers, municipalities, and technology providers. Since 2010, Water Canada has hosted the awards to help strengthen and celebrate the thriving national community by showcasing Canada’s water leaders, champions, and innovators.


SENTRY is a unique bio-electrode sensor technology that provides real-time microbial performance monitoring in anaerobic and aerobic wastewater treatment systems. SENTRY data is used by plant operators to: identify imbalance/toxicity events; minimize costs associated with aeration; and maximize organic loading to aerobic of anaerobic treatment systems.

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