Central Marin Sanitation Authority (CMSA) was selected as a Top 5 Smart Water Project for 2020. In this webinar we highlight how CMSA used the bio-electrode data to monitor performance and identify key toxicity events.
Problem Statement and Application
Co-digestion (AD) of municipal primary and WAS when combined with additional organics sourced from local industrial (e.g. food processing, restaurant) sources can offer significant revenue opportunities and increased biogas production.
Cost of downtime / imbalance = $45,000 – $90,000
But how can AD operators safely blend these additional organic sources without risking biological imbalance and overloading?
Could a bio-electrode sensor provide an in-situ reading directly from the AD reactor informing operators in real-time when organic overloading or toxicity issues may be taking hold? Can this data provide an early warning to reduce the chance of process upset?
Key Insight for the Client
Data is collected in real-time from the biology in the AD reactor and alerts are sent to operators when the risk of imbalance is detected.
SENTRY data provided 3-day advanced warning of biological process upset compared to defined traditional parameters.
Substantial opportunity to limit the negative impact on biogas production and potential reactor down-time.
SENTRY sensors are now being added to the full-scale AD system to support operations in protecting reactor health on a trial basis.
Reduced risk of downtime and $45,000 - $90,000 loss in revenue